Meet Hajar, a Broward Birthworker

Danielle Bailey, yungmedusa

My name is Hājar and I’m a traditional full-spectrum doula, fertility coach, reiki master, writer, artist, and astrologer based in South Florida.

As a black birthworker and descendant of granny midwives, I aim to revive my ancestors’ practices and give black people the tools to survive the reproductive violence occurring in the U.S. today.

The Black Maternal Health Crisis

Giving birth is a type of spiritual activation. This is a long-held belief passed down from our ancestors who were slaves, from our ancestors in the motherland.

But given society’s anti-black structures, black woman and birthing people are often traumatized throughout this process. Black people have a unique relationship with the Earth, with our own souls, and with Source – to rob black birthing people of a healthy, positive birth experience is to disconnect us from the spiritual traditions that fortify our communities and souls. 

Self Sovereignty is a Tool to Fight Reproductive Violence

Informed consent and understanding the language of the womb through body literacy is praxis.

In the face of reproductive rights being systematically taken away, people with wombs can still fight against menstrual surveillance and medical violence.

Education & Credentials

B.A. in Literature of the African Diaspora

Florida Atlantic University (2012-2016)

Certification in Gender, Women, & Sexuality Studies

Florida Atlantic University (2012-2016)

Certified Afro-Indigenous Traditional Full Cycle Birthworker

Reclaim Our Birth Power Academy (2020-2021)

Certified Holistic Fertility Coach

Reclaim Our Birth Power Academy (2022-2023)

Certified Womb Steam Practitioner

Reclaim Our Birth Power Academy (2022-2023)

Reiki Master

Reclaim Our Birth Power Academy (2022-2023)
